MLK day

Sorry for being a day late... but can we get real for a moment? Oh, how wonderful truth is… Can you imagine Pilate asking “what is truth?” when He was right there? Anyways.

Martin Luther King Jr. had a FANTASTIC ethos. I love his letter from Birmingham jail. But his legacy is a big pile of aborted fetuses, a disproportionate number of which are African American.

MLK was a pawn of Margaret Sanger. The bloodthirsty granddaughters of Margaret Sanger who promote the slaughter of preborn children are bedfellows with the socialist sons of MLK who have the same fundamental worldview issues.

MLK was at least as bad as Donald Trump morally. He was a denier of Jesus Christ1 and a serial adulterer until the day he died.2 "Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses."3

He fell right in line with Margaret Sanger's Malthusian philosophy. "There is a striking kinship between our movement and Margaret Sanger's early efforts."4 May this demonically driven ideology present throughout all human history go back to hell where it came from.5

I pity those who believe the damned lie Dr. King promulgated that African Americans must kill their offspring to be able to stabilize their life. I'm grateful that my black friends don't agree with Dr. King that having "unwanted" negro children is a "cruel evil" that needs to be controlled.6 On the contrary, children are a blessing and a heritage, and it's actually good to have more image-bearers on this earth. It is fundamentally satanic to support Malthusian efforts.

Properly defined racism is a terrible, terrible sin. Our state of Indiana has a DEEP history in this area and it must continue to be exposed and, yes, repented of. You better believe it. I see no evidence of widespread repentance from the Hoosier church for its apathy during certain lynchings that happened. Goodness, where was the Church of the Living God when Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith were made a mocking of and unjustly lynched? Two or three witnesses anyone? True biblical justice very well may have demanded the use of the sword. But this was NOT a case of a sentence against evil work not being executed swiftly - they were only arrested the night before (Ecc. 8:11). Many other such examples could be given, especially with the KKK’s involvement in Indiana. How long O Lord?

But you can't oppose the lynchings of the Ku Klux Klan while silently brushing to the side the lynchings in the womb happening every day under the color of law. For every John Tucker and James Dillard, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor (I will not get into what some believe to be important details omitted from the media's portrayal of their deaths) there is an unnamed image bearer lynched in the womb under exceedingly similar, and likely more unjust circumstances. There is the equivalent of a Tulsa race massacre every week on the east side of Indianapolis.

Our priorities do seem to be mixed up to constantly harp about the economic effects of systemic racism when confronted with a pile of thousands of the corpses of black Hoosier babies killed in your cities and down the street from your churches. Can we at least acknowledge that perhaps there has been a teeny tiny bit of really loud silence when they are killed? Like the part where they are violently exterminated as if they were a pest at the hands of the living, truly wicked detestable murderers, and the vast majority of the Church is, as it pertains to the actual lives of these children, quiet? And what about when these same people actually speak out against those trying to rescue them? Or accuse them of not caring enough about "social healing" or "peacemaking"? How do you make peace for the children killed by abortion when the world desires nothing more than to conceal their plight?

Perhaps a dose of musing upon Christ's teaching of the "weightier matters of the law" and true biblical equal weights and measures would be helpful for some of us?

Choose this day whom you will serve, "social justice" minded Christian. A healthy dose of actually reading God’s Law in the Scripture opposed to cherry-picking verses about justice and then abusing them to suit your liberation theology needs would do you well.

"The vast majority of Christians hate God's revealed law far more than they hate either abortion or abortionists. [Might I add, far more than they love God’s image in preborn babies?] They would far rather live in a political world that is controlled by humanists who have legalized abortion than in a society governed by Christians in terms of biblical law. So, God has answered the desire of their hearts. He has done to modern Christians what He did to the Israelites in the wilderness: "And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul" (Ps. 106:15)."7

"... any attempt to deny the legitimacy of the sanctions specified in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is necessarily an attempt to substitute a different set of sanctions."8

"It never ceases to amaze me that Christians who say they believe in eternal punishment get all in a dither about the supposed injustice of a New Covenant era application of this or that Old Testament law. What specific Old Testament punishment matches eternal torture by a wrathful, jealous God? It is not surprising that evangelicals today are steadily abandoning the doctrine of eternal judgment in the lake of fire; such a view conflicts with their denial of the legitimacy of Old Testament civil sanctions today."9

"The Old Testament was harsh on criminals because it was ‘soft on victims.’” 10

"Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good." (Rom. 12:9, NKJV)



3. Hebrews 10:28


5. For more information, see George Grant's fantastic biography of Margaret Sanger in which he details this antichrist ideological framework and shows how Sanger used African American ministers to support it.


7. G. North, in Victim's rights: The biblical view of civil justice, Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, 1990, pp. 101–102.

8. Ibid, pp. 10

9. Ibid, pp. 7

10. Ibid, pp. 10

Addendum: yes, you can quote Planned Parenthood pamphlets opposing abortion... until the early 70s. This brilliant strategy of incrementalism and shifting the culture through sly ommissions and contradictory values is well-documented in George Grant's book, Grand Illusions.

Pictured: A group of ten African Americans following true biblical civil disobedience and interposition by chaining themselves in front of the door of an East Lansing abortion clinic.